101 things in 1001 days
Learning1. Take a cooking class2. Take an art class
3. Learn to drive with a stickshift/manual transmission
4. Take tap classesPurchases5. Buy and fit into THE/ (or a, if they don’t have it any longer) gorgeous dress from Linton’s
6. Find reason to wear said dress
7. Buy an impractical car8. Buy and wear a bikini
9. Buy something from Woot.com
10. Buy a case of RedBach, Framboise or Melbourne Bros. and Drink. It. All.
11. Buy nice underthings
Some of my old fit like new! So just a few new!12. Buy new, pretty/sexy/awesome glasses that I can wear regularly
13. Own something from Tiffany’s
14. Buy a new seatbelt bag. Figure out how to clean the othersRandomness15. Attend one of Megan McCafferty’s book signings for Perfect Fifths16. Meet Meg Cabot
17. Turn 30 without getting old
18. Complete the 365 days project on Flickr
19. Sing karaoke
20. See a fortune teller
21. Pick fruit at a farm
22. Carve a pumpkin for Halloween
23. Purge books from undergrad
24. Kiss under mistletoe
25. Watch the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower – August 2009
26. Send/give cards for important events – DON’T FORGET
27. Print photos from digital camera cards. Put into an album
28. Fly a Kite
29. See 3 concerts in 2009 (artists you have never seen before)30. Reprint and frame the rest of Uncle Ti’s Vegas photos
31. Go to a Penguin game – cheer for fights
32. Suck it up and go to the Outer Skin – find the shave gel you liked.33. Go rollerskating
34. Visit DJ’s Island with Chris35. Be an extra in a film
36. Meet Jason Segel
37. Eat at Ritter’s diner38. See Demetri Martin live
39. Attend and dress for a costume partyVanity40. Get a Brazilian Wax
41. Have a professional bra fitting
42. Dye the tips of my hair pink
43. Have mole on nose removed
44. Get a massage
45. Have makeup done professionally (by an artist, NOT the people at the store)
46. Find out what, if anything, can be done about the Rosacea and fix it.
47. Wear more dresses/skirts
48. Go to the Hershey Spa with Mom and Aunt Cath
Health-wise49. Floss every day for a month
50. Hot Yoga at least once a week
51. Get heart checked
52. Work on my arms
53. Run a 1/2 marathon
54. Play a team sport
55. Work down to a size 12 or less
Decluttering56. Sell the broken bike
57. Sell the armoire
58. Sell the queen bed
59. Sell the elliptical machine 60. Declutter my storage unit, a.k.a. my apartment
61. Download all of the songs on my cassette singles and GET RID OF THE CASSETTES.
62. Move desk from storage
63. Figure out where to actually move my music from the computer
64. Learn how to use my external hard drive
65. Upload all of my cds into my Zune
Traveling66. Travel to LA
67. Visit Kerry in Georgia
68. See Cake live
69. Visit Ray in Seattle
70. Take a vacation somewhere where there are no family or friends to stay with
71. Fly first class
72. Whitewater raft down the New River with Jen and Gordon
73. Gamble with Nick Zoller74. Bicycle with Mom and Bob
75. Go out of the country – requires use of passport, even if it’s just to Canada :)
76. Go to the cherry blossom festival
77. Go back to New Hampshire and the White Mountains
78. Visit the Crayola Factory
79. Vacation with friends (separate from the above items – Vegas maybe?)
Adult-like80. Live by myself
81. Buy a fancy bedroom set
82. Find something as a career that I would love to do forever
83. Take the GRE/LSAT exams for Doctoral Program/Law School
84. Vote for the next President of the United States of America85. Start using reusable grocery bags
86. Learn to make my mom’s spaghetti sauce
87. Successfully complete teaching my online class
88. Be completely credit card debt free for 6 months
89. Get rid of Ameriprise and figure out what to do with my investments
90. Put $10 in savings for every item accomplished on this list
91. Find storage for cds, dvds and boxes upon boxes of books.
92. Meet or discover a man with whom I would like to spend the rest of my life
93. Do something with animals to relieve the sadness of missing Kirby
Hobbies94. Finish the Harry Potter series (7/7)95. Read 5 books recommended to me by a coworker/customer (0/5)
Looking for Alaska by John Green - Megan, Manager, Barnes and Noble Heartsick by Chelsea Cain - Theresa, Manager, Barnes and Noble96. Finish all unread books in my stack of things (will post number when I can grab them all)
97. Watch 20 (of the ones NOT pinked out) of the 250 movies voted by the users of IMDB.com that I have not seen before (1/20)
1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)- Friday, October 3 with Nate 2. No Country for Old Men - January with Joe 3. There Will Be Blood - January with Joe 98. Finish Watching DVD box sets: Veronica Mars Season 3, Sports Night, Carnivale, Dead Like Me Season 2… et al. Will add more as I open the boxes that contain these DVDs.
1. How I Met Your Mother (Seasons 1 - 3) 99. Listen to a whole cd from 5 new artists recommended to me by friends (0/5)
101 Things100. Take and post pictures of all completed items on the list
101. Throw a party for completing 101 things in 1001 days
102. Row in a Regatta - Slated for September 27 - Head of the Ohio103. Stop biting my nails